51º Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia

Dados da Submissão


Paraná Basin - Significance in Brazilian Energy Transition

Texto do resumo

The Paraná Basin covers relevant portions of Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Argentina, encompassing highly developed industrial and agricultural areas, especially Brazil and Uruguay. In this study, we explore the potential of the Paraná Basin in the energy transition by comprehending geological hydrogen, carbon capture and storage (CCS), and geothermal energy. This study first points to the importance of natural hydrogen. The hydrogen system is related to numerous geological contexts such as orebodies, serpentinized regions, volcanic areas, hydrocarbon fields, salt deposits, coal basins, Precambrian terrains, kimberlite pipes, and fault zones. Regarding these, four principal genetic mechanisms worldwide are recognized as suppliers for the geological hydrogen system: (I) Core or mantle origin; (II) rock alteration origin; (III) radiolysis origin; (IV) organic processes. Most of these mechanisms occur in the Paraná Basin. Our study first reports natural hydrogen occurrence in four exploratory wells ranging from 0.14% to 8.79% of H2 with an inverse correlation with He. Specifically, due to their distribution, we point out that these hydrogen concentrations are likely associated with the maturation processes of organic-rich formations such as the Rio Bonito, Irati, and Ponta Grossa. The potential for natural hydrogen (H₂) in the Paraná Basin offers a promising, cleaner energy source that could significantly contribute to Brazil's renewable energy goals. Moreover, the Paraná Basin has recognized the potential for carbon capture and storage (CCS). This potential is related to Serra Geral Group, organic-rich shales, coal deposits, and saline aquifers. Notably, the Serra Geral Group has become the target for several studies on CO2 geological storage by carbonatation, representing the safest way to store carbon dioxide. The vast distribution along the basin and thickness reaching up to 800 m, a critical depth for CO2 supercritical conditions, make it a key reservoir and seal for CCS. Organic-rich, high porosity siliclastic units and saline aquifer presence are important alternatives for long-term CO₂ storage. The Paraná Basin is of significant importance to Brazil due to its favorable geological conditions and its strategic alignment with Brazilian industrial and urban distribution, particularly in the context of CCS initiatives. In addition to hydrogen and CCS, the Paraná Basin's geothermal potential is noteworthy. Geothermal energy can be divided into low, mid, and high enthalpy systems, and geologically limited by basin depth potential for both systems were proved. The updated geothermal data reveals the presence of high and medium-temperature geothermal resources at depths of 3 to 6 km, particularly in the central and western parts of the basin. Low-temperature systems occur almost in the whole basin. These geothermal resources have the potential to provide base-load power and heat with minimal carbon emissions, further enhancing the Paraná Basin's role in Brazil's energy transition. By harnessing hydrogen, CCS, and geothermal energy, it demonstrates that the Paraná Basin has the potential to be an important vector in Brazil and Uruguay energy transition.

Palavras Chave

Hydrogen System; Carbon Capture and Storage; Hydrothermal Energy


TEMA 13 - Transição de matriz energética e energia renovável


Tiago Jonatan Girelli, Henrique Serratt, Claudia Domingues Teixeira, Matheus Fernandes da Cruz, Marcos Antonio Klunk, Monique Aparecida Marquese Rizzi, Helder Osvaldo Samucuta de Oliveira, Juliano Bonato, Ilana Lehn, Jose Antonio cupertino, Ernesto Luiz Correa Lavina, Farid Chemale Jr.