51º Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia

Dados da Submissão


Revisiting the Dom Feliciano Belt and Surrounding Areas – An Integrated Geophysical and Isotope Geology Approach

Texto do resumo

The study of complex areas that have undergone several orogenetic events by themselves is difficult to reconstruct in geological terms. The SE-Brazil/Uruguay includes Archean to Mesoproterozoic terranes and Brasiliano Pan African belts with a complex fragmentation. After the Gondwana supercontinent agglutination, these fragments underwent several compressional and extensional processes that make it difficult to understand the geological evolution of the region. This study uses a combination of techniques and data, including gamma-ray spectrometry, magnetics, gravity, geology, and geochronology, to analyze large-scale structures and define distinct terrains. We have identified geophysical units and main first-order bounding lineaments essentially defined owing to magnetic and gravimetric anomaly signatures, which offers a better perspective on the structural framework of the west Gondwana margin. The arrangement of the cratonic nuclei formed as a consequence of the collision of the Rio de la Plata (RLPC) with the Congo and Kalahari cratons configures a sketch similar to what happens in southwest Asia, with the development of many thrust-and-fold belts and strike-slip belts that separate older continental fragments. Several distinct terranes have been reinterpreted: the Rio de la Plata Craton; the reworked Nico Perez Terrane; the São Gabriel juvenile magmatic arc terrane; the Tijucas thin-skinned thrust-fold belt; the Encruzilhada, Pelotas, and Punta del Este arc terranes; and late basins. Refined terrane boundaries and identification of major shear zones enhance tectonic evolution and correlations between terranes now rearranged by the South Atlantic Ocean opening. Our findings contribute to a more nuanced interpretation of the tectonostratigraphic configuration of southwest Gondwana, offering insights into the assembly of cratonic blocks and orogenic belts within this key geological province.

Palavras Chave

Geophysical and geological data integration; Brasiliano-Pan African belts; Gondwana supercontinent; Structural framework


TEMA 17 - Tectônica e Evolução Geodinâmica


Claudia Domingues Teixeira, Tiago Jonatan Girelli, Henrique Serratt, Bruno Conti, Farid Chemale Jr.