51º Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia

Dados da Submissão


SyntheticSeis: Open Source, Free to Use Synthetic Seismic Generator Software

Texto do resumo

Seismic data is useful in many applications such as bedrock depth detection and topography mapping, fracture and fault zone identification, and sequence stratigraphy characterization. However, obtaining seismic data is not always viable. In contrast, lithology data acquired from outcrops are more readily available, allowing the creation of 3D lithology models. Then those models may be used to create a seismic dataset syntetically with a software that calculates the seismic traces based on material properties.
There are no free open source softwares available that generates synthetic seismic data in a standard output file format from a standard lithology file input format.

In this work, we developed the SyntheticSeis, a software to calculate 3D seismic data synthetically from lithology grids in a standard input format, Eclipse Grid files. The mathematical approach underlying the seismic traces is based on Ricker wavelet and convolution process. The code was written in C++ in an efficient and scalable way. The mathematical processing core relies on CGAL, while the interface was built with Qt, making it reliable, efficient and easy to use tool.
As any open source project, the source code and executable version of the software are available to the public on the website (https://github.com/feliperails/syntheticseis).

We tested the software through a case study of Jurassic deep-marine strata exposed in the Arroyo La Jardinera area (Neuquén Basin).

Palavras Chave

Synthetic seismic; Open Source; Ricker Wavelet; Software;


TEMA 15 - Geofísica


Luiz Feliipe Bertoldi de Oliveira, Carine Prsicila Beatrici, Ariane Santos da Silveira, Rudi César Comiotto Modena, Gefesom Cardoso Lima