51º Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia

Dados da Submissão



Texto do resumo

The Paraná Basin is the largest intracontinental basin in South America, covering 1.4 million km². The basin, with ages ranging from the Ordovician to the Cretaceous, presents itself as one of the most prolific continental basins for energetic resources in Brazil. Two key units within the basin – the Ponta Grossa and Irati Formations – are known for their organic matter-rich rocks, which have long been recognized for their potential as petroleum systems. However, despite the presence of these organic-rich rocks, crucial factors for hydrocarbon generation such as burial depth, temperature, and geologic time, have presented challenges for these oil and gas systems. The basin has undergone several oil and gas exploration phases since the 1950s, producing a wealth of data including seismic lines, geochemical, core, and well-log data. Despite all the research effort, exploration companies made just a few discoveries with commercial potential. In light of this, we elaborate a review of the legacy data available for the Paraná Basin aiming to delineate favorable areas for hydrocarbon occurrence, focusing on the Ponta Grossa and Irati formations. The Devonian Ponta Grossa Formation has a total organic carbon (TOC) content ranging from 1% to 4%, reaching mature to overmature conditions in the basin depocenter. The Irati Formation from the late Permian period has a TOC up to 23%. Despite its richness in organic matter, the formation generally resides at insufficient depths to generate the pressure and temperature for conventional oil and gas formation. Instead, the main mechanism for the maturation of organic material in this formation was the intrusion of magmatic rocks from the Serra Geral Group, which also contributed to the climax of Ponta Grossa Formation gas and oil generation. Beyond conventional hydrocarbon potential, we also assess the possibility of hydrogen generation in supermature regions of the Ponta Grossa Formation. To constrain the potential occurrences of hydrocarbons, we evaluate each unit to determine whether it achieves the conditions for oil and gas generation in terms of temperature and organic matter content, as well as the maturity required for hydrogen occurrence. Our research used geochemical and geological data from 124 wells, including Tmax, vitrinite reflectance (Ro), well temperature, burial depth of the units, and the presence of magmatic intrusions. We used the thermal conditions measured in the wells and followed the distribution of these areas based on seismic data. Results will be displayed in thematic maps alongside the stratigraphic column of the basin, providing a “time and space” localization of the potential spots.

Palavras Chave

TOC; Ponta Grossa Formation; Irati Formation; Magmatic Intrusions


TEMA 08 - Sistemas petrolíferos, exploração e produção de hidrocarbonetos


Juliano Bonato, Matheus Fernandes da Cruz, Helder Osvaldo Samucuta de Oliveira, Tiago Jonatan Girelli, Ilana Lehn, Aline Muriel da Cunha Menezes, Monique Aparecida Marquese Rizzi, Henrique Serratt, Claudia Domingues Teixeira, Farid Chemale Jr.