51º Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia

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Texto do resumo

Site characterization for CO2 storage is a constant process that begins with existing basin and/or regional scale data, and continues with the acquisition of new data and information during all stages of a CCS project related to CO2 storage. site, consisting of the stages of selection, evaluation, permits, design and construction, operation and closure. Therefore, it is necessary that injection and storage sites be characterized in terms of geology, rock properties, hydrogeology and geothermal, fault and fracture characteristics, composition and phase behavior of the native fluids and the injected CO2 stream and the characteristics of the landscape. This study focuses on the Serra Geral Formation basalts in the Paraná Basin, one of the largest continental flood basalts globally, to evaluate their potential for CCS through mineralogical and geochemical characterization. A geochemical database of the Serra Geral Formation basalts was created, utilizing compositional data from various sources across the Paraná basin to assist in geological site selection for CO2 injection. The database comprises 500 samples with major, minor, and trace element data relevant to carbon mineralization. The initial analysis involved assessing data correlation and spatial dependence using variograms, which provide insights into spatial relationships. Histograms and scatter plots were used to examine frequency distributions and correlations between geochemical content and depth. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software, specifically QGIS, and the Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) interpolation method were employed to estimate geochemical values at unsampled locations. The IDW method generated 2D raster layers representing the geochemical distribution of basalts within the basin. These rasters helped identify areas with higher concentrations of elements important for carbon mineralization. Geochemical maps showed high CaO concentrations (>8.9 wt%) in central to northern regions, Fe2O3 (>12 wt%) in the southwest, MgO (>5.8 wt%) in the north and parts of the central and southern regions, higher TiO concentrations in the west, and low Sr (<340 ppm) in the northeast and Paraná state. São Paulo state, particularly the Ribeirão Preto-Reginópolis region, exhibits promising geochemical and mineralogical characteristics for CO2 injection and carbon mineralization, with significant concentrations of Ca, Fe, and Mg oxides and favorable lithological textures like microvesiculated and fractured basalt. Further geological evaluations, including petrophysical and geomechanical analyses, are necessary to confirm its suitability comprehensively. This study provides a foundational geochemical assessment crucial for a CCGS project, contributing to the broader efforts of geological site selection for CCS in the Paraná basin.

Palavras Chave

geochemical mapping; Paraná Basin; CCGS; CCUS; continental basalts.


TEMA 11 - Mapeamento Geoquímico Multipropósitos


Valentina Alzate Rubio, Colombo Celso Gaeta Tassinari, Leonildes Soares de Melo Filho , Cassiane Nunes Ferreira