51º Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia

Dados da Submissão



Texto do resumo

The Brazilian Equatorial Margin, due to its similarities with the prolific petroleum systems of Guyana and the Atlantic coast of the Gulf of Guinea, has been the subject of research aimed at better understanding its system and potential for the exploration of energy resources. In petroleum systems with volcano-sedimentary interaction, igneous rocks may occur associated with one or more essential elements or processes involved, potentially influencing maturation, fluid migration, and trap development. The identification and mapping of igneous bodies are essential to avoid possible misinterpretation and to assess the potential impact, both positive and negative, on hydrocarbon exploration in sedimentary basins. Research conducted earlier this decade mapped igneous intrusions in the Potiguar Basin; however, there are still no studies focused on the three-dimensional description and characterization of these magmatic features. This study aims to characterize and map the igneous intrusions of the Potiguar Basin in a 3D seismic volume in deepwater, seeking to understand the influence of these intrusions on the petroleum system of the region. For this purpose, 3D seismic data provided by the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) were used, with seismic facies analysis performed using Petrel software. This involved the geological description and interpretation of seismic reflection parameters, such as configuration, continuity, frequency, and amplitude. As a result, the criteria used to identify sill reflections were high amplitude (due to impedance contrast with sedimentary rocks), restricted lateral continuity, and abrupt terminations, exhibiting saucer-shaped geometries, either parallel or inclined. The mentioned structures have lengths of up to 1600 m and are predominantly located at approximately 2000 m depth, in some cases occurring at shallower levels than 2700 m or deeper than 4200 m. They occur parallel to the layers, intruding the well-stratified sedimentary succession of the Ubarana Formation, and extend from the end of the Cretaceous to the Neogene. Seismic facies analysis enabled the identification of sills, which can be interpreted in seismic lines due to their distinctive geometries and reflection patterns, facilitating the recognition of magmatism in the region. Mapping these features is crucial for future research on this potential atypical petroleum system and consequently for a better understanding of the exploratory potential of the region.

Palavras Chave

Petroleum System; Sill intrusion; Energy resources


TEMA 08 - Sistemas petrolíferos, exploração e produção de hidrocarbonetos


Linara Ivina Castro Rodrigues, Cecília A Martins Barros, Ana Clara Braga Souza, Narelle Maia de Almeida, Karen M. Oliveira Leopoldino