51º Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia

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Texto do resumo

Significant oil discoveries in African Equatorial Margin and Guyana-Suriname Basin sparked exploratory interest in Brazilian Equatorial Margin basins. Brazilian Equatorial Margin, often seen as unified, actually divides into two groups with distinct evolutions. Foz do Amazonas/Pará-Maranhão/Barreirinhas Basins exhibit rift phase indicators with significant oil potential. Limited exploration in Brazilian Equatorial Margin contrasts with Guyana-Suriname Basin. Recent discoveries in Late Cretaceous turbidites in Ghana and Guyana have transformed the Equatorial Atlantic oil prospecting, highlighting immense potential in the region. In recent years, Brazilian sedimentary basins have become hotspots for national and international oil companies, driven by significant discoveries. Academic and scientific efforts aim to decipher geological and geochemical factors of petroleum systems, mitigating exploratory risk and drilling costs. This project serves as a catalyst for: a) Advancing scientific investigations into modeling petroleum systems in deep and ultra-deep waters; b) Training professionals for academia, offering technical solutions to societal challenges and fulfilling job market demands; c) Bridging the technological research gap in the oil industry, especially in Bahia and the Northeast region of Brazil. This stage was developed based on the proposed objectives and consists of the integration of several steps, which are: literature review, data request from ANP (National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas, and Biofuels), well selection, and organic geochemical characterization, 1D/2D modeling of petroleum systems in the deep/ultra-deepwater regions of Brazilian Equatorial Margin basins. The main characteristics (wells/geochemistry) of petroleum systems in Foz do Amazonas (95/44), Pará-Maranhão (35/30), and Barreirinhas (125/54) Basins during the Barremian and Albian periods, including formation time, paleoenvironment, lithological composition, tectonic phase, Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and Rock Eval pyrolysis are detailed. These basins exhibit promising potential for replicating success seen in adjacent regions, with modern seismic data identifying numerous leads with similar geological traits to known discoveries. Though geochemical studies are limited, indications suggest a well-established petroleum system with high-quality oil on the shelf, boasting an API gravity around 40°. Despite shallow water exploration, success on the Equatorial African margin indicates potential for a turbiditic play in deep/ultra deep waters in these basins. Similarly, the main characteristics of petroleum systems in the Ceará (228/98) and Potiguar (386/122) Basins during the same periods are outlined, with few published organic geochemical studies but proven petroleum systems showing high-quality oil with API gravity ranging from 33° to 43°. Preliminary results indicate that there is room to explore more relevant information about the basins. Therefore, it is likely that future work in areas such as organic petrography, seismic profiles and computational modeling will be integrated, thus expanding the understanding of the hydrocarbon generating potential of the Basins.

Palavras Chave

Brazilian Equatorial Margin; Petroleum Systems; 1D/2D modeling; Total Organic Carbon; Rock Eval Pyrolysis.


TEMA 08 - Sistemas petrolíferos, exploração e produção de hidrocarbonetos


Olívia Maria Cordeiro de Oliveira, Antônio Fernandes Souza Queiroz, Joil José Celino, José Roberto Cerqueira, Karina Santos Garcia, Hélio Jorge Portugal Severiano Ribeiro, Cíntia Mayra Martins, Nicolas Stevam Amancio de Oliveira, Ivan Paz Ribeiro, Ayana Souza de Silva